Dark Corner Studios - Catatonic - Mule - Virtual Reality - VR - Guy Shelmerdine

Dark Corner Studios Releases Three Stunning New Virtual Reality Experiences

March 28th sees leading genre Virtual Reality studio Dark Corner releasing not one, but three new cinematic VR experiences, including Guy Shelmerdine’s notorious “Mule”, the indie thriller “Deerbrook”, and the Russian historical drama “Spacewalker”. These will be available on Oculus Rift, Samsung GearVR, and Google Daydream headsets; as well as on Android and iOS mobile, exclusively […]

Dark Corner Mule Catatonic Teal Greyhavens Guy Shelmerdine Virtual Reality Haunting Immersive Theater Overlook Film Festival

Dark Corner – Pioneers of Horror Virtual Reality – Mule, Catatonic, & More

The Overlook Film Festival held many immersive experiences in the dark recesses of the Timberline Lodge. One such gem was Mule, a virtual reality experience that follows the emotional last moments of a man’s life. Haunting had the honor of experiencing Mule, speaking to Dark Corner, and reflecting on previous Dark Corner VR experiences.    […]

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