Highway to Hell Majestic Repertory Theater, Horrorwood Video, Immersive Horror, Drive In Experience, Las Vegas, NV

Horrorwood Video Returns with Highway to Hell and Brings Drive In Scares

The screen in front of us crackles iconically as it goes dark. Left in total blackness and silence, we heed our guide’s warning: Don’t Breathe. Suddenly, lights flash and we see a young girl in tattered clothing with her long, dark hair falling in front of her eyes. As quickly as we see her, she [...]
2019 Haunt Guide Haunting, Halloween Guide 2019, Cover Image, Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles Halloween Season 2019 Haunt Guide

With all of the Halloween events in L.A. it's easy to miss out on something you really would have loved. We've got your back! To help you make the most out of your haunt season, we have put together a Halloween Haunt Guide for 2019. Below you will find a list of everything we could [...]
Krampus - Majestic Repertory Theatre

Majestic Repertory Theatre’s Krampus Brings Families Together for a Dark Christmas

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…” krampus krampus krampus The classic lyrics waft through the air, intermingled with the scent of freshly baked gingerbread men and the sounds of a crackling fireplace. Marge Krumeich hands me a few ornaments and asks me if I can help complete the tree. With the box of […]

Measure for Measure

Majestic Repertory Theater’s Measure for Measure Helps Define Vegas Immersives

As I read the prisoner his last rights, the mood in the tight room is somber, and my voice a little above a whisper. Once I finish speaking, the executioner describes the correct way to decapitate someone. I guess he won’t be doing his job today – it will be me. “You have to do […]

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