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Fright Fest 2023 Expertly Brings Saw and The Conjuring to Life
Six Flags Fright Fest 2021 is Defined by its Passionate Scare Actors
Los Angeles Holiday Guide 2020
Holidays in the Park Drive-Thru – Magic Mountain Brings Holiday Joy From a Safe Distance
Magic Mountain’s Fright Fest 2019 Manages to Rejuvenate Older Mazes
The sun is beginning to set in Santa Clarita, California, casting sinister shadows over the horrific, post-apocalyptic streets of Magic Mountain’s Fright Fest 2019. Rows of excited and terrified guests line the DC streets, awaiting the hordes of monsters who will soon be tormenting the night. Suddenly, herds of witches, clowns, and stilt-walkers emerge from […]
Fright Fest packs Magic Mountain with new mazes for 2018
After celebrating their Silver anniversary last year, Six Flags Magic Mountain has returned for the 26th installment of Fright Fest. As always, it has much to compete with, especially with newcomers like WB’s Horror Made Here Tour, but with three out of six mazes being completely new to Fright Fest, the Six Flags team seems […]
Six Flags Magic Mountain Scares up its 25th year of Fright Fest
Magic Mountain Fright Fest Six Flags Magic Mountain has officially opened its 25th annual Fright Fest, and while the milestone is absent from its marketing, it’s a testament to the persistence of the park. Constantly improving due to fierce competition from the rest of the “Big Four” in Halloween Horror Nights, Knott’s Scary Farm, and […]