Dark Harbor 2024 - Theme Park - Queen Mary - Long Beach CA

Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor 2024 Returns to Frightening Success!

Queen Mary's Dark Harbor 2024, one of Southern California's most iconic Halloween events, has made a triumphant return after a four-year hiatus. This haunted attraction, set aboard the historic Queen Mary ship in Long Beach, offers a unique blend of maritime history and contemporary scares. The Queen Mary, with its storied past and long-standing reputation [...]
Fairbrook Manor Haunt - Home Haunt - Long Beach CA

Fairbrook Manor Haunt Excels in Bringing an Incredible Haunt to Long Beach Communities

Fairbrook Manor Haunt  is a home haunt—and community wide experience—located in Long Beach, California. Now in its third year, and sophomore year as a walkthrough haunted house, the experience offers a snaking path throughout the front sidewalk and yard of the Long Beach home, creating an experience that lasts a six to eight minutes—but will [...]
Queen Mary Christmas 2019

Queen Mary Christmas 2019 Focuses on a Family-Friendly Holiday Season

The warm mug of hot chocolate warms my ungloved hands. I snuggle further into the soft couch as I take a sip, my beverage warming me from within. An older woman enters the inviting room filled with twinkling lights and holiday knick-knacks, her energy lighting up the space. She straightens her homemade skirt as she […]

queen mary bars alcohol drinks cocktails hidden secret dark harbor long beach haunted attractions immersive ringmaster captain jon cooke

A Guide to the Hidden Spirits and Bars of Dark Harbor 2018

In 2017, Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor revealed a renewed focus on the libations available during the Halloween season. Not only would bars dot the midway on shore, but in an unprecedented move, a few would even be hidden inside the mazes themselves. These secret little speakeasies return for 2018, and while they aren’t easy to […]

Aiden Sinclair, Illusions of the Passed, Interview, Queen Mary, Long Beach, CA

Aiden Sinclair Communes with the Other Side at the Queen Mary

Below is a review and a video interview with Aiden Sinclair, master magician and apparitionist, regarding his new show 'Illusions of the Passed; Legends of the Queen Mary, a Theatrical Seance'. Thank you to Kevin Hsu for the photography and filming in this article and Jon Kobryn for his editing!   Aiden Sinclair speaks with [...]
Illusions of the Passed, Legends of the Queen Mary, Queen Mary, Los Angeles, Long Beach, CA Seance, Immersive, paranormal, illusions, magic, aiden sinclair

The Queen Mary Welcomes Master Magician & Apparitionist Aiden Sinclair for NEW Residency

Aiden Sinclair Presents ‘Illusions of the Passed; Legends of the Queen Mary, A Theatrical Séance!’ Select Nights Sept 2018 WHAT: The legendary Queen Mary is pleased to announce the debut of master magician and well-known apparitionist, Aiden Sinclair, aboard the historic ocean liner for ‘Illusions of the Passed; Legends of the Queen Mary, A Theatrical Séance!’ on select nights […]

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