Hallows Eve Inc - Deadwater State Penitentiary - Haunted House - Lake Elsinore CA

Deadwater State Penitentiary by Hallows Eve Inc Incarcerates Us for 18 to Life

Back against the wall; look straight ahead. Click. Turn to your right. Click. Turn to your left. Click. A female guard urges me forward, baton in hand, through the sterile processing room. Hands up, against the wall. I notice the dirty handprints of inmates who’ve stood in the same place as me, probably just minutes [...]
sinister valley field of screams lake elsinore haunted stadium haunt attraction event inland empire

Sinister Valley takes over Lake Elsinore’s Field of Screams for 2018

Out of the various haunted attractions in the Inland Empire, Lake Elsinore’s Field of Screams sat overlooked for years. For one thing, Lake Elsinore occupied a sort of geographical No Man’s Land for haunters, far enough south to deter Los Angeles natives, but far enough north that it couldn’t be lumped in with San Diego’s […]

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