Inland Empire Yard Haunt Displays, Halloween Yard Displays Inland Empire IE Haunting Pirates of Cindy Court Corona CA

Inland Empire Yard Haunt Displays – A Tour of Ontario, Corona & More During Halloween

Thank you to Chelsea Cook and Taylor Winters for their contributions in writing or photography to our Inland Empire Yard Haunt Displays article. If you’re looking for a fun and family friendly way to round out your Halloween in the Inland Empire, consider adding a Inland Empire Yard Haunt Displays crawl to your agenda. These [...]
sinister valley field of screams lake elsinore haunted stadium haunt attraction event inland empire

Sinister Valley takes over Lake Elsinore’s Field of Screams for 2018

Out of the various haunted attractions in the Inland Empire, Lake Elsinore’s Field of Screams sat overlooked for years. For one thing, Lake Elsinore occupied a sort of geographical No Man’s Land for haunters, far enough south to deter Los Angeles natives, but far enough north that it couldn’t be lumped in with San Diego’s […]

scandia haunt ontario theme park amusement haunted attraction wussmaker wusses inland empire clowns blackout

Scandia Celebrates a Quarter-Century of “Wusses” with 25th Annual Haunt

Off the side of the I-15 freeway in Ontario, impossibly thick fog rises from the heart of the Scandia Family Fun Center. The Nordic-themed amusement park is typically home to miniature golf and go-kart racing, but each Halloween season, it becomes home to Haunt, a simply named series of traditional walkthrough mazes which marks its […]

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