Miasma Extreme Haunt Lessons

Twelve Extreme Haunt Lessons Essential for All Creators

BLACKOUT pioneered the full-contact immersive horror genre in 2009 and further refined it over the next decade. Heretic remixed the theatrical haunted house idea in 2012 and added aggressive brutality that would become synonymous with the extreme haunt name. These two horror experiences served as forefathers for the genre and inspired a very small, but […]

Brutality Heretic The Invitation VIVISEKTION

Brutality Horror Simulation & Heretic Present VIVISEKTION

Brutality Horror Simulation, based in Basel, Switzerland, and LA underground horror veterans Heretic Haunted House join forces again to unleash The Invitation: VIVISEKTION. A handful of guests were invited to an exquisite dinner that quickly went off the rails, landing them in a seven-hour-long psychotropic nightmare.      Swiss Hospitality I remember train tracks and […]

Extra, heretic, delusion, creep, theatre macabre, extreme haunt, horror, immersive theatre

Prepare for Scares: Haunting Sits Down with Extra TV to Discuss the World of Immersive Horror

extra extra extra extra  Extra It’s that time of year again, and Haunting’s Editor-in-Chief Taylor Winters sits down with Extra to talk the extreme haunts and immersive horror that will thrill and terrify you in 2018.   Our very own Hvrting is truly honored to be featured alongside immersive horror legends Heretic, Theatre Macabre, CreepLA, […]

ScareLA, Suspense to Screams Panel, Convention

ScareLA 2018 – Suspense to Screams – Unique Voices in Immersive Horror Panel Video

Below is the full panel, Suspense to Screams - Four Unique Voices in Immersive Horror, presented at ScareLA in 2018. Special thanks to Kevin Hsu for filming the panel, and Jon Kobryn for editing it.   From Rogue Artists Ensemble's folklore-based hyper-theater to Heretic's visceral brutality to Alone's surreal and abstract beauty to Santu Production's [...]
Miasma - Extreme Haunt Roundtable - Justin Brink - Chicago Haunted House - Immersive Horror

Extreme Haunt Roundtable – Aggression, Actors, and Aftercare – Heretic, Victim Experience, Miasma, Faceless Ventures

In immersive horror, fear is key. But placing your guests in a state of simulated chaos without ever placing them in actual danger requires a safety-oriented team. In doing so, they must ensure that the environments, scenes, and content are safe and that both actors and creators have prepared for as many circumstances as possible. […]

cracked vs heretic faceless ventures adrian marcato relax blake ciccone

Cracked vs Heretic 2018: A RELAX Recollection (Spoilers)

Below is a Recollection–this is not a review, but rather a full spoiler walkthrough of the author’s experience in Cracked vs. Heretic’s RELAX, an extreme haunt by Cracked and Heretic. As RELAX will not be remounted, it is safe to read this and not be concerned with spoilers. For recollection of both nights with fewer spoilers, […]

Cracked - Heretic - RELAX

To Hell & Back – Two Nights of Cracked vs. Heretic

Below is a Recollection–this is not a review, but rather a walkthrough of the author’s experience in Cracked vs. Heretic’s RELAX, an extreme haunt by Cracked and Heretic, a battle between Adrian and Blake. This recollection is vague and does not contain spoilers beyond general themes and memories. This experience in this form will never be […]

Cracked vs Heretic: Review – The Death of Adrian Marcato & the Lesson He Left Behind

Cracked vs. Heretic: RELAX   A couple of times, during my journey through Cracked vs Heretic, I just laid my head down. Closed my eyes, only saw hints of flashing light filtering through my eyelids, merged my head with the soundscape created by roaring monsters, screaming participants, distorted vocals and industrial drone. Tiny, timeless moments […]

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