HVRTING, How to Summon Santa, Haunt, Extreme Haunt, Christmas, Full-Contact, Naughty and Nice

A Christmas Treat that Bites Back: A Recollection of HVRTING’s How to Summon Santa

Disclaimer: the following is a spoiler-rich recap of HVRTING’s How to Summon Santa event from December 2018. Please also note in the interest of full disclosure: HVRTING is an extreme haunt offshoot of this website (Haunting.net), and the two entities share multiple staff members, including the writer of this review, on occasion. The writer attended […]

ammunition, nocturnal fandango, immersive theater, provocative, los angeles, shaver lake, visalia, recollection

Beauty from Bullets: A Recollection of Nocturnal Fandango’s “Ammunition”

Below is a Recollection–this is not a review, but rather a full spoiler walkthrough of the author’s experience in Nocturnal Fandango’s Ammunition in July of 2018. As this event will not occur again, do not worry about reading spoilers.   Less than twenty-four hours ago, I was in a freezing hotel room, trying to rest […]

Night Shift DTLA - Immersive Haunt Escape Room - Los Angeles Haunted House

Night Shift Offers Dark Delights in a New Immersive Haunted Escape Experience

Debuting this Halloween season in Historic Downtown Los Angeles, NIGHT SHIFT is a new immersive horror experience that provides guests with the agency of an escape room. This unique experience is presented by Rachel Foti, creator of Horror Escapes LA, and Off-Broadway theatre director Robert Glen Decker, M.F.A.   Combining elements of haunts, immersive theatre, [...]

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