
Fringe 2019 – They Played Productions’ Internal Speaks from Within

I’ve never given much thought to what the voice inside my head sounds like.  I’d always assumed it sounds just like my speaking voice, but I’ve never really thought about it. That is, until I’m tucking a pair of headphones into my ears on a busy street in Hollywood, California, and a man is asking […]

Fringe 2019 - Best Night Ever

Fringe 2019 – Best Night Ever Keeps the Party Rolling

I stumble out of the now-parked limo feeling good after drinking a few more vodka and cokes than I’d like to admit. As our lively group makes its way from the stretched SUV toward DeLongpre Park, I can’t help but feel slightly guilty about giving Kate, the bride-to-be, an impassioned argument against committing herself to […]

Hollywood Fringe Festival

Hollywood Fringe 2019: Creators Set Immersive Expectations for Each Show

It’s back! That special time of year when immersive audiences are treated to a month-long deluge of new works running the gamut of every tone and style imaginable. Whether you crave emotionally intense one-on-one encounters in a private space, mystery and intrigue on the streets of Los Angeles, or a relaxed evening at the theater […]

The Hollywood Fringe Festival 2019 – Staff Picks and Recommendations

Hollywood Fringe Festival It's that time of year again where Theater takes over the streets of Hollywood. The Hollywood Fringe Festival is back with a whole new slate of shows ranging from Immersive Horror to Serious Dramas to Campy Musicals. We are here to help you sort through the hundreds of listings with those shows [...]
Ghosts Henrik Ibsen, Immersive Theatre, Dream Walker, Hollywood Fringe Festival, HFF2018,

Fringe 2018: Dream Walker’s Ghosts Explores Loose Morals for a New Audience

Henrik Ibsen’s Ghosts, penned in 1881, can’t be described as the most accessible text ever written, but its criticism of 19th century morals and the controversy surrounding its content is still an inspiration to modern playwrights.  Due to its content Ghosts was, to say it generously, not universally praised at its initial release. But it’s […]

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