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Kids giggle as they zip between hay bales stacked three high, providing a modest-sized maze for them to navigate. One laughs and darts back into the maze, rushing forward without thinking. A family of ravens looks on from above, perched atop taller bales; a nest hidden between them. I pop a piece of bubble gum [...]
Sugar Rush Is a Bright and Sweet Treat for Spring
I round a corner inside the extravagantly decorated Sugar Rush, and come upon a walkway that is completely and utterly pink. Pink swirls are painted on the ground; pink, polka-dotted backdrops create makeshift walls; pink, cotton-candy deer figures greet guests; giant, pink lollipops erupt from the pink, cotton-candy lawn; and a dapper, pink-suited gentleman cheerfully [...]
Fright Farms and Not So Spooky Farm Provide Frights and Family Fun
Men in yellow hazmat suits approach the car, our closed windows keeping us safe. They wave wands over our vehicle and over the people outside to see if anyone is infected. But before the scans can be completed, a shambling shell of a former human in a blood-stained lab coat stumbles out from behind a [...]
Hauntoween Offers a Magical, Family-Friendly, Drive-Thru Halloween
We slowly drive down the brightly decorated street in the Town of Hauntoween. We gently come to a stop near a home awash in neon “lawn” decorations, a man standing out front. The man appears just as garish as the house behind him; his Hawaiian shirt flaps around him, a floppy hat and sunglasses adorn [...]
Dinner with Dracula – Murder Mystery Dinner Party Makes Participant Interaction Its Centerpiece
In my old set of pearls and my preppiest headband, I open my Zoom settings and type in my new name. For the next hour and a half, I’m the “very conservative” Marina Seward, and – despite my dog shuffling behind me and the neighbors smoking outside my window – I’m having dinner with distant […]