Experiential Supply Co - Sugar Rush - Theme Park & Installation

Sugar Rush Is a Bright and Sweet Treat for Spring

I round a corner inside the extravagantly decorated Sugar Rush, and come upon a walkway that is completely and utterly pink. Pink swirls are painted on the ground; pink, polka-dotted backdrops create makeshift walls; pink, cotton-candy deer figures greet guests; giant, pink lollipops erupt from the pink, cotton-candy lawn; and a dapper, pink-suited gentleman cheerfully [...]
Murder Mystery Party Dinner with Dracula

Dinner with Dracula – Murder Mystery Dinner Party Makes Participant Interaction Its Centerpiece

In my old set of pearls and my preppiest headband, I open my Zoom settings and type in my new name. For the next hour and a half, I’m the “very conservative” Marina Seward, and – despite my dog shuffling behind me and the neighbors smoking outside my window – I’m having dinner with distant […]

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