HVRTING, How to Summon Santa, Haunt, Extreme Haunt, Christmas, Full-Contact, Naughty and Nice

A Christmas Treat that Bites Back: A Recollection of HVRTING’s How to Summon Santa

Disclaimer: the following is a spoiler-rich recap of HVRTING’s How to Summon Santa event from December 2018. Please also note in the interest of full disclosure: HVRTING is an extreme haunt offshoot of this website (Haunting.net), and the two entities share multiple staff members, including the writer of this review, on occasion. The writer attended […]

santu deliria los angeles zombie joes underground immersive theater full contact horror haunt extreme haunt inductio

Santu Deliria: Inductio Walkthrough Reveals Beautiful Madness

The following is a recollection for Santu Deliria: Inductio, meaning that heavy, thorough spoilers are contained within. The show has since closed its doors with no official announcement of being remounted, and the recollection has been edited and approved by the show’s creators to protect the integrity of Santu Deliria and any future experiences.    […]

Immersive Theater Creators Lessons for Immersive Creators - sleep no more - immersive theater - new york city

Thirteen Important Lessons for Immersive Theater Creators

For Immersive Theater Creators & Those That Want to Be One So, you’re an immersive theater creator, you’ve already been one, or you want to be one. You have a good idea – maybe even a great idea. Now what? Designing an “immersive” experience can seem lofty and perilous, only possible for those with the […]

The Appeal of Extreme Haunts, What They Are, and How to Start

What is an ‘Extreme Haunt?’ Extreme haunts give you the opportunity to live out your own horror movie. You will be placed in the role of the victim—and you will be handled as such. These haunts are not your stereotypical haunted houses with jump scares and latex masks; instead extreme haunts focus more on the psychology [...]

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