LA Yard Haunt Displays, Halloween Yard Displays Los Angeles Valley Haunting Drive By Community Home Haunt Socially Distanced Outdoor Rotting Hill Cemetery North Hollywood CA

Los Angeles & Beyond – Halloween Guide 2021

Halloween is here--and horror is back in the form of haunted houses, immersive horror experiences, and traditional theater. After last year's socially distanced Halloween, we can finally walk down narrow corridors smelling of fog and latex while actors jump out and narratives crawl under our skin. With a year off, so many companies have come [...]
Experiential Supply Co - Sugar Rush - Theme Park & Installation

Sugar Rush Is a Bright and Sweet Treat for Spring

I round a corner inside the extravagantly decorated Sugar Rush, and come upon a walkway that is completely and utterly pink. Pink swirls are painted on the ground; pink, polka-dotted backdrops create makeshift walls; pink, cotton-candy deer figures greet guests; giant, pink lollipops erupt from the pink, cotton-candy lawn; and a dapper, pink-suited gentleman cheerfully [...]
Magic Mountain Holidays in the Park Drive-Thru Experience | Christmas 2020

Los Angeles Holiday Guide 2020

While the Halloween season is Haunting's bread and butter, we enjoy all holidays and the exuberance and passion of the Christmas season is one of our favorites. With the current Covid restrictions, most of the light displays that once delighted our eyes have transitioned to drive-through experiences that allow us to witness the same spectacle [...]
WonderLAnd Drive-Thru | Experiential Supply Co

WonderLAnd Drive-Thru Will Amaze Even the Nastiest Grinch

We turn our car down the twisting path and pass a sign reading "WonderLAnd Village." Here stands a row of house facades, each decorated in bright and magical colors and lights; a beautiful celebration. One house, awash in blue and white lights, is decorated with a large menorah and Jewish star to represent Hanukkah. Another [...]

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