BCR A Place to Scare, BCR A Place to Care, Cursed Creek, Drive-Thru Experience, Haunted House, Community Haunt, Burbank, CA

BCR: A Place to Scare’s Cursed Creek Drive-Thru Haunts with Witches and Voodoo

Driving through a dark, dreary parking lot and seeing Baba Yaga, a creepy, decrepit old woman, just like in the old terrifying tale, gives me chills. A rush of nostalgia runs through my veins, as if I am being transported back to my childhood, listening to the eerie folklore that plagues my memories – the [...]
LA Haunted Hayride 2020

LA Haunted Hayride Drive-In: A Socially Distanced Version of a Halloween Classic

The following is a review of LA Haunted Hayride Drive-In. It contains minor spoilers. Our eyes are fixed on the screen as Monte Revolta concludes a catchy and dramatic musical number with a sweeping summoning gesture to all the undead in the area.They seem to materialize from every shadowy corner of the drive-in, shambling towards us […]

The Bite LA, Meyer2Meyer, Dinner & Drinks, Haunted House, Los Angeles, Legg Lake, CA

The Bite LA is a Standout Halloween Drive-Thru Experience

Our car turns along the winding, dark path through the abandoned park. Static crackles through the radio, punctuating the ominous instrumentals that heighten our anticipation. To the right of the car, moonlight reflects off of a glassy lake. With heads and flashlights sticking out of the windows, we anxiously scan the landscape around us. Before […]

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