ceaseless fun, they who saw the deep, derek spencer, meredith trenien, immersive theatre, los angeles,

Ceaseless Fun Returns With They Who Saw the Deep

CEASELESS FUN Announces its upcoming happening: THEY WHO SAW THE DEEP As part of its ongoing collection, THE OUTLINE OF A HUMAN.   LOS ANGELES, CA (March 28, 2018) LA-based theatrical arts production company, Ceaseless Fun, is proud to announce THEY WHO SAW THE DEEP. Directed by Derek Spencer, this Production marks the second of three that will […]

Agnosia The Outline of a Human - Ceaseless Fun - Loss - Immersive Theater

Ceaseless Fun’s Agnosia Explores Where One Person Begins and Another Ends

Agnosia, the new immersive show from LA-based performance and arts production company Ceaseless Fun, examines the impact of a loss, aiming to “look at what is left in light of what is gone.” Haunting talks to artistic director Derek Spencer about this first installment and what is to follow in their thematically linked season of three episodes, The […]

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