Extra, heretic, delusion, creep, theatre macabre, extreme haunt, horror, immersive theatre

Prepare for Scares: Haunting Sits Down with Extra TV to Discuss the World of Immersive Horror

extra extra extra extra  Extra It’s that time of year again, and Haunting’s Editor-in-Chief Taylor Winters sits down with Extra to talk the extreme haunts and immersive horror that will thrill and terrify you in 2018.   Our very own Hvrting is truly honored to be featured alongside immersive horror legends Heretic, Theatre Macabre, CreepLA, […]

Theatre Macabre, Lust experience, tension experience, darren lynn bousman, clint sears, immersive theatre, grande guignol, macabre, horror theatre, horror, immersive horror

The Surprising Humanity Found in the Darkest Places – An Exclusive Interview with the Creative Minds Behind Theatre Macabre

The Experiences is arguably the most immersive production company on the market today. Redefining the alternate reality experience genre, both The Tension Experience and The Lust Experience led audiences on a multi-month journey that culminated in an event that pushed the boundaries of immersive entertainment. When the team behind these exploits announced they will be […]

The Lust Experience - Anointment - Immersive Midseason Event - Tension Experience - Darren Lynn Bousman Clint Sears Sabrina Kern - L'Cheriyve-Studios

The Lust Experience – A Recollection of Anointment

Below is a Recollection–this is not a review, but rather a full spoiler walkthrough of the author’s experience in The Lust Experience’s Midseason Event, Anointment. As Anointment will never occur again, spoilers should not be a major concern. Further, this is only one path of many that were available during The Lust Experience’s Anointment. It was highly […]

The Lust Experience - Anointment - Immersive Midseason Event - Tension Experience - Darren Lynn Bousman Clint Sears Sabrina Kern - L'Cheriyve-Studios

The Lust Experience: Anointment Exposes The Nakedness of Your Soul

“One single thing will always be amiss. Every night, every day, every year after this…”   ​The Lust Experience’s Anointment came and went this past week in a heady flurry of sex, violence, drugs, and ritual. Running the course of December’s waning moon and ending just after the New Moon rose over Los Angeles, Anointment […]

The Lust Experience - Tension Expeirence - Darren Lynn Bousman - Clint Sears - Immersive Theater - Experiential Entertainment

The Lust Experience – Anointment – A Quick Guide For Your Trip to the OSDM

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW FORTHE LUST EXPERIENCE MIDSEASON EVENT If you're reading this, you may have heard of The Lust Experience: the intriguing twisted Gordian knot that is 2017’s follow up to last year’s The Tension Experience.  Tension introduced us to the world of the OOA, a mysterious cult operating in Los Angeles, and [...]
ScareLA Panel - Immersive Theater - Darren Lynn Bousman Tension and Lust - Justin Fix CreepLA Willows - John Dobernick - Illicitus Theatre - Paul Millet - Wicked Lit - Jon Braver - Delusion

Immersive Panel – Monsters On and Off the Stage – ScareLA

Below is full recording of the "Monsters On and Off The Stage: Halloween at the Theater" Panel at ScareLA. Guests include Justin Fix from CreepLA/The Willows, Darren Lynn Bousman of The Tension Experience/The Lust Experience, Paul Millet from Wicked Lit, Jon Braver from Delusion, and John Dobrenick from Illicitus Theatre. Video by Cara Mandel. On Sunday, August 6th at 4:30 [...]
The Lust Experience - Recap of The Prologue - iConfidant and The System - Darren Lynn Bousman and Clint Sears - Noah Sinclair - Immersive Theater

The Lust Experience – Get Caught Up – Recap of the Prologue

The Lust Experience: The Prologue February 13 – April 30, 2017   At the finale of 2016’s ground-breaking The Tension Experience, “The End,” the next chapter of this ongoing saga was revealed. When mysterious cards were pressed into several hands just outside of the OOA compound that night in November, we finally had confirmation – The […]

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