American Contemporary Ballet - Astaire Dances 2023 - Performance Theater - Los Angeles - CA

Astaire Dances brings Astaire Films Alive in a Jazzy Nightclub with Exceptional Ballet

I was introduced to the American Contemporary Ballet (ACB) with their rendition of The Nutcracker. I was impressed by so much more than their incredibly talented dancers (trust me, they are amazing): ACB differentiated themselves with their unique use of LA high rises, full incorporation of live music, and clever misdirection in their opening to [...]
ACB Season XI - Inferno

American Contemporary Ballet’s Inferno And Burlesque is a Ballet Treat Among Gothic Horror Themes

The 28th floor. The elevator takes me straight up. No stops. And the doors open to a mundane office hallway. Nondescript doors on both sides, illuminated by the glow of fluorescent bulbs hidden behind ceiling panels. I walk down the hallway, until the find the door I was instructed to locate. Room 2580. I try [...]
Rio Records, Immersive Theater, Remote Experience, River LA, Rio Reveals, 13Exp

Journey Along the LA River with Rio Records

“The thing about the past is, the more we open up to its questions, the more we learn about ourselves”. I click various objects on my screen investigating what I can when my screen changes; a beautiful sketch appears in front of me filled with numerous drawings saturated in color. I stare at it for [...]
cabaret le fey burlesque erotic horror dancing vampire lounge

Cabaret le Fey Marries Sensuality & Horror at the Vampire Lounge

It’s been over a month since Midsummer Scream, but the happenings are still fresh in the minds of haunt fans across Southern California. This year, more than any year prior, the frightfully sensual reigned over the floor; from Gorlesque’s Peep Show commanding a staggering queue to the inspired creations of the Poltergeists and Paramours fashion […]

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