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Twisted Dreams 2023 Left us Running & Turning Vegetarian
Twisted Dreams Haunt is a Gritty Grindhouse Nightmare Come to Life
Vampirates Dinner Theater Charms the Blood Out of Your Veins
High above a haunted galleon, a vampiric pirate dangles from blood-red silks. He and a companion spin faster and faster above the cursed ship, performing masterfully crafted aerial stunts for the benefit of entire families. Bloodthirsty swashbucklers watch from the wings, in the midst of a thrilling musical adventure. These are the titular heroes and […]
Knott’s Scary Farm 2019’s Amped-Up Favorites Outshine New Blood
Knott’s Scary Farm returns, and while only two of the mazes offered are brand new, there’s enough life in the lineup to show some genuine promise. Their rides and coasters offer genuine thrills, tempered with some of the strongest mazes they’ve produced in years, culminating in an experience that’s the best of both worlds. knott’s […]
Knott’s Scary Farm 2018 Takes Haunters to the Depths & Beyond
Now that fall is finally here, it’s once again time for Knott’s Scary Farm, the originators of haunted attractions, to enter the fray. This year, Jeff Tucker and Co. present what will be the 46th iteration of the event, complete with a handful of new mazes, a litany of shows, and not a single square […]