Covell In the Cloud | ABC Project | Annie Lesser

C(ovell) in the C(loud) – ABC Interactive’s Impressive and Whimsical Night Out

Below is our review of ABC Interactive‘s Covell In the Cloud, a new, remote version of Annie Lesser’s Covell (read our review of the original HERE).   Not long into the Covell in the Cloud’s pre-game festivities I get yoinked out of the main Zoom channel, called “Center of the Room,” into a breakout titled […]

Fringe 2019 - Picnic Party

Fringe 2019 – Picnic Party is Pure Positivity

Immersive creator Annie Lesser has produced something different this year, something positive. If you’re unfamiliar with her more recent work, her shows tend to be dark and heavy, like her highly praised A(partment 8). But this year for the Hollywood Fringe Festival, she wants to put smiles on faces and spread good vibes to all […]

Ford Focus | ABC Project

Annie Lesser’s F(ord Focus) is a F(orced Fabrication)

Annie Lesser began her ABC Project with A(partment 8), which delighted critics and fans alike. That production was intimate and moving and resonated in the minds of participants long after they walked out of it. With a goal of producing 26 different immersive experiences tied thematically together simply by their alphabetical titles, Lesser now brings […]

Annie lesser unknown haunt

Discover What Hides in the Dark with The Unknown

Death. The dark. That scratching in the walls and that flicker of motion just at the edge of your sight. Universal, visceral fears that leave their traces on us all. Written, produced, and directed by Annie Lesser, in collaboration with Heidi Calloway and Teresa Loera, The Unknown seeks to explore those things and more, with […]

Hollywood Fringe Festival

Hollywood Fringe: 2018 Creators Set Immersive Expectations for Each Show

For the second year in a row, the Hollywood Fringe has designated “immersive theatre” as one of the official categories of performance for their yearly festival. This year we’ll be treated to a deliciously broad range of experiences from both familiar voices and first time creators stretching the definition of immersive theatre in a dozen […]

Elevator, ABC Project, Annie Lesser, Immersive Theatre, Los Angeles

E(levator), Students, and Friends Lets You Step Inside a Troubled Mind

Annie Lesser, the creative heart behind the successful ABC Project, follows up on her stirring D(istillery) with E(levator), Students, and Friends: an ambitious series of productions exploring mental health from diverse and varied viewpoints.  The stories gently intersect in a way that allows participants to feel they’ve completed a moving journey if they only are […]

D(istillery) ABC Project Annie lesser Immersive Theater

D(istillery) Intoxicates Us and Provides a Thoughtful Aftertaste

People around us just do the best they can, don’t they?   Annie Lesser’s ABC Project is more than just an ambitious undertaking; it’s one of the most refreshing, creative, and innovative approaches to immersive theatre to date.  D(istillery,) the fourth installment, is no exception.  While not as “interactive” as previous ABC pieces, D(istillery) makes […]

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