Cracked - Heretic - RELAX

To Hell & Back – Two Nights of Cracked vs. Heretic

Below is a Recollection–this is not a review, but rather a walkthrough of the author’s experience in Cracked vs. Heretic’s RELAX, an extreme haunt by Cracked and Heretic, a battle between Adrian and Blake. This recollection is vague and does not contain spoilers beyond general themes and memories. This experience in this form will never be […]

Cracked vs Heretic: Review – The Death of Adrian Marcato & the Lesson He Left Behind

Cracked vs. Heretic: RELAX   A couple of times, during my journey through Cracked vs Heretic, I just laid my head down. Closed my eyes, only saw hints of flashing light filtering through my eyelids, merged my head with the soundscape created by roaring monsters, screaming participants, distorted vocals and industrial drone. Tiny, timeless moments […]

Hex extreme haunt heretic adrian marcato nightmare

Heretic – A Recollection of HEX

Below is a Recollection–this is not a review, but rather a full spoiler walkthrough of the author’s experience in HEX, an extreme haunt by Heretic. As this experience will not be remounted, it is safe to read this, and not be concerned with spoilers.          Koreatown, 1 am. The streets are desolate, […]

Heretic Adrian Marcato - Interview - Creative Process - Extreme Haunt - Heretic Horror House

Genesis to Conclusion: Discussing Creativity with Heretic’s Adrian Marcato

MARCATO : HERETIC Heretic. A name whispered in underground trans-Atlantic communities with fear, awe, or a thrilling combination of both. A name synonymous with pushing both artistic and patrons’ boundaries in the realm of immersive horror. The man behind the name welcomes Haunting behind the curtain once again, taking us on a journey through his […]

Drencrom - Heretic - Adrian Marcato - Evocative Immersive Experience

DRENCROM Provides a Cinematic Chromophobic Experience by Adrian Marcato

It’s no surprise to our readers that Heretic is one of our favorite experiences on the market today. Creator, Adrian Marcato, expertly blends horrifically beautiful aesthetics and cinematic moments with extreme terror and physicality that pushes guests to their limits. His narratives are a fever dreams that spawn nightmares that live in the flesh. These […]

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