Klaus Kinski - Andrew Perez - The Second Coming - Fringe - Immersive Play - Art

Andrew Perez Embodies the Passion that is Klaus Kinski

Following an award-winning run at 2017’s Hollywood Fringe Festival, The Second Coming of Klaus Kinski has been enjoying a successful return at The Blank’s Second Stage Theatre for 6 weeks through October into November. Now extended for one final weekend, audiences have one last chance to witness the reincarnation of a cinematic god.


Born out of a decade long obsession with Klaus Kinski, writer and actor Andrew Perez (perhaps best known for his portrayal of David Miscavige in My Scientology Movie and involvement in last year’s The Tension Experience) teams up with “guider” Eric G. Johnson and voice coach Adele Cabot to stage a force of nature that is so much more than a one-man show.





Kinski is here


Walking into the theatre space, patrons are encouraged to walk past their seats and onto the stage to explore the Sacrarium – a collection of memorabilia lining two blackened walls, including an exhaustive list of Kinski’s sexual conquests, giving the audience their first insight into what lies ahead. Scenes from movies including Nosferatu and Aguirre, Wrath of God are projected onto a third wall as a recording of Kinski himself reciting a monologue from Romeo and Juliet fills the air. From the very beginning, the audience is immersed in the experience.


The place is here, the time is now.



Klaus Kinski - Andrew Perez - The Second Coming - Fringe - Immersive Play - Art



Kinski is here


From the moment Perez steps up to the podium, with his bleached hair and intense stare, we are pulled on board a white knuckle ride; travelling with him across continents as he relives not only Kinski’s fascinating career, but also his loves and losses, his highs and desperate lows. However, we are not simply theatrical voyeurs. There is no fourth wall here; Perez is not afraid to make direct eye contact as he delivers lines that land like emotional punches. At times, he moves amongst the audience, interacting in-character in the most endearing of ways, even sharing a glass of champagne with a lucky chosen few. He is funny, sexy, tormented, terrifying, and utterly mesmerising. For the duration, he is Kinski.





Kinski is here


There is no elaborate set design at play here and minimal props; this simplicity only serves to ensure all focus remains on the man, on the journey. Perez brings the colour to a stage otherwise devoid of it. Further depth is provided by Barry Neely’s sound design and the voice talents (including Brit Landa and Sabrina Kern) who bring to life those who at times travelled alongside Kinski on his treacherous path. Their disembodied voices torment our anti-hero, cajoling, berating and condemning him. We could be forgiven for descending into madness if it wasn’t for Phyllis Winters (Adele Cabot). A close friend throughout Kinski’s later years, she provides a sense of realism and sanity; their interactions make it clear that he was no monster, no matter how history, or Werner Herzog, chooses to portray him. He was a man who simply felt too strongly, loved too intensely, and lived too fiercely for the world which he inhabited.





Kinski is here


The Second Coming of Klaus Kinski is a truly breath-taking experience, not only for those who are well-versed in the actor’s impressive filmography. The insight Perez provides into society’s ability to demonise controversial figures is as relevant now as ever.


Don’t miss your chance to witness this final command performance before Kinski leaves our plane of existence, perhaps for the last time.


Kinski is here

Kinski is here

Kinski is here


The Second Coming of Klaus Kinski will be conjured two more times: Friday, November 10th and Saturday November 11th. For tickets, click here.

About The Author

Victoria Camps
After receiving a Masters degree in Creative Writing, specializing in the areas of Young Adult Literature and Editing, Victoria now works as a Learning and Development Manager during the day, helping others make their words as beautiful as they can be by night.

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