Screenshot Productions - Social Injustice - Fear is what we learned here - Haunting

Screenshot Productions: 1/27 – 1/29

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Screenshot Productions

F I W W L H :


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F I W W L H is a synesthetic experience that explores the use of fear as a social framework for control. The experience challenges the individual to consider their own perception biases and asks what is necessary to subvert systems of manipulation in order to foster equality for all persons.

We must work together to combat bigotry, racism, and hate and we’d like to do our part by not just creating artistic experiences that challenge perception, but by encouraging political and social activism and giving to organizations that make a difference in helping those marginalized in our society.

In that spirit, we’d like to extend to you an invitation to donate $50 or more to any of the charitable organizations below. In return you will be secured a ticket for our upcoming production of Fear is What We Learned Here in San Francisco between January 27-29th.

Please note, that though this piece shares the name of our first production staged in October 2015, this is an entirely different experience. The first ‘Fear’ explored internal, existential fears (such as the fear of failure or rejection) that can stifle personal progress and transformation, while this experience explores how fear can stifle social progress.

Here is a sampling of charities that we feel are valuable, even necessary for the betterment of our society moving forward. If you choose to make a donation, please send confirmation of donation to We will coordinate your appointment to the experience shortly thereafter. Please note, that if you have another charitable organization that you wish to support, you can certainly deviate from this list. This is just a sampling of organizations in the spirit of this endeavor:

Amnesty International


National Resources Defense Council

International Refugee Assistance Project

Planned Parenthood

Center for Reproductive Rights

The Trevor Project

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Habitat for Humanity

Thank you.

About The Author

Taylor Winters
Taylor has loved immersive theater since his first experience at ALONE in 2013. Since then, he has written, produced, & directed immersive theater, consulted for numerous immersive companies, acted in others, and attended even more. He has his PhD in Bioengineering, an MBA in Organization Leadership, and currently works fixing broken hearts.

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