Safehouse '77 immersive theater los angeles house party spy brunch

Safehouse ’77 Offers Intrigue, Seduction, & Laughs in a New Immersive Experience

Spy Brunch LLC is thrilled to announce their debut immersive production, Safehouse ’77​, a one-of-a-kind experience in which ten participants are transported back in time to a 1977 Los Angeles house party. Cocktails and snacks are served, music plays… but what’s really going on underneath the party’s glossy surface? As participants are pulled into private encounters, they will begin to learn more about their fellow guests and what secrets they hold. Intrigue, seduction, laughs… they’re all part of the experience.



Safehouse '77 immersive theater los angeles house party spy brunch



Safehouse ’77 is a site-specific interactive show with a mixture of historical and pop-cultural influences. Participants will explore and inhabit a fully-designed space that captures the sexy, shaggy spirit of Los Angeles in the ’70s — a time and place when truly anything could happen. Creator and Director Nick Rheinwald-Jones, a recent but rabid convert to immersive theater, is thrilled to be creating his first work in this exciting medium, drawing on his experience as a writer and filmmaker. He has written and produced online content for pop culture sites including Previously. TV and, and his work has been featured on Vulture and The AV Club. He also hosts and produces Making the Sausage, an interview-driven podcast that explores the often-overlooked details of producing TV.


Creative Producer, Lyndsie Scoggin, enjoys exploring immersion as a story-experiencing platform, primarily in escape rooms such as ‘Mr. MacGuffin’s Cocktail Party’, ‘Mistaken Identity’, and ‘Manzanar Immersive’. Her background as a theatrical performer led her to the world of immersive entertainment in 2010 when she began participating in haunted houses. After deciding that she too wanted to help create extraordinary experiences for people, she began collaborating with multiple organizations on developing immersive entertainment.



Safehouse '77 immersive theater los angeles house party spy brunch



Line Producer, Niyia Mack’s, first introduction to live immersive experiences started as company manager with SunnySpot Production’s CARRIE: THE KILLER MUSICAL which later led to co-producing Haunted Play’s DELUSION: HIS CRIMSON QUEEN. Thanks to immersive theatre, Niyia can happily combine her appreciation for unique storytelling, audience interaction, and breaking fourth walls under one roof.


Safehouse ’77 opens on November 2, 2017 for a limited engagement.
Tickets​ ​now​ ​on​ ​sale

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