Meyer2Meyer Entertainment House of Spirits The Bite LA Rated R Speakeasy Immersive Theater Company Meyer 2 Meyer

Meyer2Meyer Entertainment

MEYER2MEYER ENTERTAINMENT Based out of Glendale, CA, Meyer2Meyer Entertainment specializes in experiential marketing and immersive events for large-scale companies. Meyer2Meyer has made a name for itself in its own right with their sandbox-style immersive parties, whimsical and unique costuming and character designs, as well as their incorporation of food and drinks in their made-for-adults events. [...]
Third Rail Projects - Then She Fell - Ghost Light - Immersive Theater

Third Rail Projects

THIRD RAIL PROJECTS Third Rail Projects is a creator of site-specific, immersive, and experiential performances that have helped shape the immersive landscape. New York City area (with shows throughout the US and abroad) Shows range from performance theater to highly-interactive, multi-track, sandbox-style experiences Heavily-choreographed scenes Thought-provoking themes & whimsical, sometimes sinister story worlds Group experiences. [...]
Optika Moderna - Immersive Theater San Diego Waking La Llorona

Optika Moderna

OPTIKA MODERNA Optika Moderna is an immersive theatrical company that pushes the boundaries of experiential entertainment with thoughtful narratives and unique perspectives. They often reflect the Latin American influences in their aesthetic and styling. Immersive, linear, participatory experiences Thoughtful, reflective subject matter Shows reflect strong Latin American cultural influences Solo and Small Group experiences Short [...]
Punchdrunk, Immersive Theater, UK, China, New York,


PUNCHDRUNK Punchdrunk is one of the preeminent immersive companies in the world. Based out of London and the United Kingdom but with branches in New York and China and others being created, Punchdrunk is one of the companies responsible for creating the immersive experience genre through experimentation of multiple solo and group audience productions. From [...]
The Great Company, GreatCo, Great Co, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA

The Great Company

Great Company The Great Company (GreatCo) is an LA-based experiential studio that creates both branded and original narrative driven interactive installations and immersive experiences. Over its history, GreatCo has partnered with brands in entertainment, retail, foodservice and technology as well as companies and creators within the realms of immersive theater and immersive horror to build [...]
The Art Department, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA

The Art Department

THE ART DEPARTMENT The Art Department is an anonymous, LA-based team that creates free, surreal, meaningful, and gorgeous installations in unexpected urban sites. Los Angeles Area Group experiences Highly detailed, gorgeously stylized set design Highly evocative with a focus on the senses Abstract narratives to balance surreal landscapes Low agency, but powerful actors Light to [...]
Coact Productions - Immersive Theater - Stylized

CoAct Productions

COACT PRODUCTIONS CoAct Productions is an immersive theatre company that puts on intimate performances that are highly stylized and themed. Los Angeles Area Solo and Group experiences with intimate interactions Intimate, yet gorgeously stylized set design Highly evocative with a focus on the senses Low agency, but powerful actors Light to no physical touching between [...]
Walk the Night, Full Image, Logo

Walk the Night

WALK THE NIGHT Walk the Night specializes in intimate and innovative collaborative immersive experiences, with a previous emphasis on immersive Shakespearean plays. Los Angeles based immersive experiences with prior Omaha, NE experiences Innovative, collaborative, and audience focused Intimate 1-2 person experiences All ages welcomed and accommodated On-going experiences - email/message them for an appointment For [...]
Stash House

Stash House

STASH HOUSE Stash House is best known for their escape rooms. However, they also occasionally produce one- to two-day immersive experiences combining actors, escape rooms, & multiple endings dictated by the participants actions. Los Angeles based experiences Escape room continuously running (4-11 people) Intimate Experiences (1-2 people) Short runs for Immersive experiences (1-2 nights); Drug-related [...]
Metaforyou, Immersive Theater, Los Angeles, CA


METAFORYOU MetaForYou produces unique immersive & interactive theatre services for clients from personal private events to large brand activations. Los Angeles-based immersive producer A group of veteran immersive actors Shows range from solo interactions to large-scale productions Offers Consultant Services as well as producing experiences Welcomes immersive experiences of any scale For information on any [...]

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