Mable’s 6 Feet Under Captures the Magic & Nostalgia of Haunts
From behind a door, I am immediately greeted by a booming voice: “Welcome to Mable’s 6 Feet Under!” A man with sunken eyes, brimmed top-hat, and circus frock appears. His charm, enthusiasm, and playfulness takes me by surprise. He welcomes me into an old, rickety elevator and warns me to hold on tight. By the time the night is out, I realize I may be going much deeper than 6 feet under. Mable’s 6 Feet Under 2017
While the horror industry has been pushing to make experiences gorier, sexier, and more grotesque, Mable’s 6 Feet Under brings horror back to its roots and captures the magic of haunts – a classic haunted house filled with gorgeous sets, passionate actors, and actual mazes to get in lost in. Mable’s is fun. It’s nostalgic, it’s clever, and it’s a great time for people of any age, from thirteen-year-olds to the most seasoned of haunt veterans. It accomplishes this by foregoing any shock scares, and instead, creating a real build-up of fear through a series of clever, labyrinthine rooms that keep the patron lost in the motel. Actors pop in and out of the maze—giving the appearance that there are Mables haunting every corridor. Passage ways often lead to dead-ends and guests are forced to retrace their steps—only to find that they are now in a new area of the motel. The fun comes in trying to figure out how to get out—or when Mable will let you out.
But it’s more than just actors and mazes; some of the best scares come from encounters with many clever hydraulic motion-sensored frights. These technological marvels provide wonderful jump-scares that are truly innovative and reminiscent of carnival dark rides of days yonder. Barrels fall, rushing towards you; a gigantic jack-in-the-box sings, until it pops open; and long hallway with train tracks have guests walk towards a bright light with trepidation. These scares are perfectly telegraphed so that you know they are coming, and the scare feels genuine and smart.
Mable’s 6 Feet Under is the passion project of Carolyn Carpenter. Along with her family, she started this experience in a tent in 2010 and now seven years in, she has a fully realized experience in Anaheim’s Business Expo Center. She gives back to the community through her BOO program (Business Occupational Opportunities), helping under-served adults learn new skills and job experience. Her love for the haunt community is unmistakable and shines through in Mable’s and beyond.
The combination of passionate actors, nostalgic sets, and technological scares work together in a perfect balance. It captures the nostalgia of going to a classic haunted house or a carnival dark ride that you can actually walk through. If you’re looking for a traditional haunt that relies on ingenuity and innovation to provide fun and frightening scares, Mable’s 6 Feet Under is the best in the business. Check in, and get lost.
For more information, Mable’s 6 Feet Under can be found here, and make sure to follow Mable on facebook!
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