Interview with Ves Corp
Describing itself as “A Paradigm for New Age Technology Innoventions,” Ves Corp recently entered the immersive scene with a bold science fiction theme. In events in Los Angeles and Long Beach, participants registered as Ves Corp “test pilots” and entered the Vesuvius1 Device, an experimental technology that allows inter-dimensional travel. In this beta test, test pilots went on a jarring journey through space and encountered an inter-dimensional being. I recently came into contact with a Ves Corp scientist, and was able to ask a few questions.
Haunting: First off, welcome to Haunting!
Dr. Bowmen: Thanks for having me.
Haunting: What can you tell me a little about Ves Corp and what you do for them?
Dr. Bowmen: Well, I am Dr. Bowman. I am Chief Engineer in charge of the Vesuvius1 directly under Dr. Richmen. Ves_corp is a paradigm for new technology innovations. With the Vesuvius1, we are creating an experience unlike anything before it. Using technology and imagination, anything is possible at Ves_corp.
Haunting: The Ves Corp website seems to have a great deal of hidden and restricted content. Participants have uncovered some data but there is much left to find. Have participants uncovered all the content revealed thus far, and is more coming in the future?
Dr. Bowmen: We are very proud of the website. It was created by the brilliant John Watson. We know some classified files were leaked through the site. But now website is controlled by the Board. They have stopped all leaks within the site itself. It is, however, still the only way to signup to be a pilot.
Haunting: Much of Ves Corp’s media presence is through Instagram. Does the company see a benefit in remaining on minimal social media platforms, as opposed to expanding out to others? Will there be an official hub for participant interaction at some point?
Dr. Bowmen: We have a presence on Instagram and Twitter. We don’t use Facebook because we don’t agree with what they’re doing as a company. Also Twitter and Instagram allow us to do and say what we need to do in effective way. Other than signing up to be a pilot, sadly no.
Haunting: Sound and music seem to be key elements of both the Vesuvius Project and Ves Corp at large. How does sound influence the overall design of Ves Corp experiences? Also, your company has referenced everything from the Ayahuasca shaman ritual to Quantum Mechanics and String Theory. How does the company balance bleeding-edge science with more spiritual approaches?
Dr. Bowmen: Sound/music is the most important part of what we do. Music is everything to our experiment. We believe that science and spirituality are closely connected and the connection is music. A simpler understanding of string theory will tell you that everything is made up of small vibrations. In hallucinogenic ceremonies, shamans in almost every culture use music to help travelers enter another dimension. Dr. Richmen realized that the connection between science and spirituality was a much closer line then we realized. We are using sound waves to do the very same thing but switching hallucinogenics with technology. We take this very seriously.
Haunting: We’ve seen recently through videos that Ves Corp CEO, Issac Richmen, used a prototype version of the Vesuvius Device against the safety concerns of the VES Corp Board… we have not heard or seen from him publicly since public testing has begun. Where is he?
Dr. Bowmen: I am not right now able to talk about what is going on with Dr. Richmen. I can tell you that I have not seen him in a while.
Haunting: Previous Test Pilots have seen a pair of menacing red eyes during their travels…in a potentially infinite number of destinations, how do you control where the Vesuvius Device goes, and in turn what dangers pilots might encounter?
Dr. Bowmen: The Vesuvius1 runs off sound waves so as we change the frequency higher or lower, it changes where The Vesuvius1 will go. The red-eyed creature has been seen almost every time someone has gone through. We believe that it’s a Gatekeeper of sorts between our world and theirs.
Haunting: Phase 3 of testing was recently announced. What should new and former test pilots expect going into it?
Dr. Bowmen: We are hoping to be able to put up 3.0 within the next two to three months.
Haunting: Lastly, at the test pilot events participants received a scannable Ves ID card. Will the card be important for future phases?
Dr. Bowmen: Yes, the ID cards will be important in the future. They are important to us now. We were printing them out but that didn’t sit well with our CEO. So we stopped paper for the most part.
Thank You Haunting.
The Future Begins With You.
For more information, visit Ves Corp to sign up to be a test pilot.
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