Haunting - Haunted House - New Market - AL

It’s A Family Thing: The Haunting at Hubert Farms – New Market, Alabama

For most of the year, Hubert Family Farms is a family owned and operated tulip farm offering you-pick cut flowers, bulbs, locations for photo shoots, a Fall Flower Festival, and a variety of other events. Located in New Market, Alabama, just 30 minutes north of Huntsville, Hubert Farms has a rich history dating back to 1917.

But this year, for four weekends in October, Hubert Farms is the site of The Haunting! In its second year, the Haunting is eight acres of corn maze encompassing two miles of paths where horrors await the unwary in the rustling stalks.

My son and I arrived at Hubert Farms well after dark. The large grassy parking area was busy, and as we walked to the ticketing booth to check in, screams and laughter could be heard in the nearby field.


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Dusty haze hung over the flat fields, adding to the eerie quality of the night.

We passed through a small playground and picnic area, both occupied by waiting patrons despite being shrouded in darkness, and arrived at the entrance to the maze. A sign, wrapped in twinkling orange and purple Halloween lights, let us know we were in the right place.

A young lady waited under the sign, periodically passing groups into the maze. As a group of only two, we joined the five women waiting before us and were soon prompted to proceed.


Haunting - Haunted House - New Market - AL


The first chainsaw scare left us watching the backs of our momentary companions as they ran for their lives. The half-moon and the few lights scattered about the maze provided enough illumination to navigate through the corn, which ranged from waist high to head high. The first half of the maze was straightforward, with well-marked boundaries and a few dead ends and switchbacks.

We encountered plenty of jump scare actors, masked, costumed, and frequently armed with ominous props. Sometimes they announced themselves with a rustle of the surrounding corn, but a few deftly appeared out of nowhere with startling effect, putting the jump into jump scare.

There were at least four set pieces in the maze, providing some landmarks for those of us who get lost easily. They ranged from actors posed silent and still to some lively scenes dire peril.


Haunting - Haunted House - New Market - AL


After the cannibal’s tent, the maze turned twisty. We dead-ended, looped, and switched back so many times that my son commented, “What non-Euclidean dimension have we entered?” We rejoined our original group and after a few more false trails, exited the maze along a path adjacent to the entrance.

We were just in time to see a group of young folks enter the maze, then race back out full tilt screaming and shouting.

Good times.


Hubert Farms - The Haunting - Haunted House - New Market - AL


I discovered the lady running the entry gate was Kaylee Hubert, boss of The Haunting. From Kaylee I learned that her own childhood memories and youthful experiences of haunted mazes provided much of the creative energy behind The Haunting. The all volunteer team of actors and support staff add to this energy with their own enthusiasm, bouncing ideas among themselves to create the scenes and then doing all their own costumes and makeup.

As I talked to Kaylee, she was peppered with a lot of positive feedback from visitors exiting the maze. Hopefully, this positivity will help propel The Haunting to many more years of spooky excitement.


Haunting - Haunted House - New Market - AL


Looking up at the half-moon, I asked Kaylee how dark the fields got when the moon wasn’t shining. Really, really dark, and though she feels the best fun is had traversing the maze without extra light, she understands that sometimes a little help is needed from a cell phone, but asks that such light be held low and not flashed around.

An interesting bit of trivia came up in our brief conversation. There are actually two mazes in those fields. One is for The Haunting, and the other is for kids to explore during the Sunflower Festival.


Haunting - Haunted House - New Market - AL


The Haunting is located at 432 Narrow Lane, New Market, Alabama, 35761.

Tickets are only available on-line for just $15 and can be texted to your mobile device or printed.

The Haunting is a no-touch haunt appropriate for ages 10 and up.

For more information about The Haunting or Hubert Farms, check out their website. For information about similar events, check out our Event Calendar.


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