Hollenbeck House Haunt - Home Haunt - Covina CA

Hollenbeck House Haunt Mashes Up Horror Themes With An Army of Statues

Enter if you Dare. A neon sign welcomes me to Hollenbeck House Haunt, along with an army of zombies, undertakers, clowns, scarecrows, and creepy children. They are all mannequins or dummies—lifeless shells with glowing eyes, moving arms, or extending necks. And while one may not be that scary—seeing this many, all in one singular place, is off putting. But perhaps the eeriest thing of all is a singular clown, whose head is rocking back and forth in perfect tune to the music. I almost discount it as apophenia, when the clown lifts his hand, and waves at me.


Hollenbeck House Haunt - Home Haunt - Covina CA


Hollenbeck House Haunt is a home haunt in Covina that began when a neighborhood kid in a Chucky costume scared Ron Weihe. The kid asks Ron to do a haunted house with him—and Ron, now 45 years old, teamed up with his father, Gene Weihe to create the Hollenbeck House Haunt. Now in its 14th year of operation, the haunt winds through a massive backyard that lasts ten minutes and is filled with numerous snaking paths back and forth, filled with animatronics, dummies, and plenty of actors. The front of the house, while not walkable, has easily another sixty to eighty dummies and animatronics scattered around and managed by Gene Weihe. It’s a sight to behold and one that draws attention from passersby.

While the décor in Hollenbeck House Haunt can feel a little more mashed together than cohesive, the shear amount of items makes this a spectacle to behold. Each turn puts audiences face to face with clowns, Michael Myers, glowing eyes skeletons, zombies, or demons. There’s surgery rooms, neon dotted rooms (with neon dotted actors hiding against the walls), long hallways with moons at the end, outdoor portions with skeletons placed in shrubbery and trees, and fenced off areas with cannibalistic psychos with saws. There’s a lot—and with so much, it’s almost guaranteed that something will scare or startle you.


Hollenbeck House Haunt - Home Haunt - Covina CA


Further, the actors are having a blast doing this. Composed of neighborhood kids, they move through the haunt, sometimes following you, creating some great scares. With the amount of dummies in the haunt, actors can often be found hiding amongst them, waiting for you to walk adjacent to them before they land their scare. Of course, there is a Chucky costumed character—and while we are unsure if it’s the original Chucky from the beginning of Hollenbeck House Haunt—he definitely is a strong scare actor.

Hollenbeck House Haunt is an amalgamation of horror themes that utilizes armies of characters to create a shotgun blast of scares. The actors know how to engage and with the length of this home haunt, it’s definitely going to get a scare or three. You won’t find any theatrics here—or any special effects—but you will find a horror collective that would be hard to top.


Hollenbeck House Haunt - Home Haunt - Covina CA


Hollenbeck House can be found at 17924 E. Cypress St. Covina, CA. Admission is $5—and Weihe can be found out front selling funnel cakes for $5. Proceeds go to adding to Weihe’s collection as well as helping the Special Olympics. For more information about Hollenbeck House Haunt, checkout their Facebook and Instagram. For information about similar events, check out our Event Calendar.


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About The Author

Taylor Winters
Taylor has loved immersive theater since his first experience at ALONE in 2013. Since then, he has written, produced, & directed immersive theater, consulted for numerous immersive companies, acted in others, and attended even more. He has his PhD in Bioengineering, an MBA in Organization Leadership, and currently works fixing broken hearts.

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