Dark Arcade Theater - Savage Hall - Immersive Theater - Remote Experience - Murder Mystery

Dark Arcade Theater’s Savage Hall is an Virtual Twist on the Classic Murder Mystery

    After over three years of development, Dark Arcade Theater has released Savage Hall, a virtual murder mystery within the halls of the British aristocracy during World War II. The game requires four to six players, and primarily utilizes Zoom as an interface. The objective for the group is simple: correctly identify the murderer […]

Little Cinema - Welcome to the Blumhouse Live - Remote Experience - Immersive Horror - Blumhouse

Little Cinema’s Welcome To The Blumhouse Live Opens Its Doors for a Second Time

Renowned hypnotherapist Dr. Seward's voice echoes through the infinitely long room, “Repeat after me, ‘Unless instructed otherwise, I will form perfect memories of recent events.’” The darkness in the corners of the room fades from the rolling sheets of mist. Suddenly, walking outside, odd street signs appear - “Suspicious When Wet… No Right Answers.” Lost [...]
Walking Shadow Theatre Company - Reboot - Immersive Theater - Remote Experience - Escape Room

Walking Shadow’s Reboot Administers a Virtual Turing Test

Cyberpunk literature, as a genre, ironically often aims to explore the basic question of what constitutes humanity, while set in a world overrun with synthetic articles. Could binary 1’s and 0’s ever become self-determining? Can something created for labor ever have valid desires beyond its purpose? What rights, if any, should something designed and created [...]

444 Liberato – A Moving Trip to Another Dimension

In 1997, the cult-classic space opera The Fifth Element introduced Earthlings to Rudy Rhod, a loquacious intergalactic radio personality with an exotic fashion sense. In a flick filled with flying car chases, hypnotizing arias, and Milla Jovovich karate-chopping aliens, the scenes with the androgynous, quick-talking host may be the most memorable. Entertainment within the worlds [...]
The Haunted Basement, The Box, The House, Immersive Horror, Remote Experience

Haunted Basement’s The House Shows that the Parts are Greater than the Whole

Before you stands a derelict and long-forgotten house, if that's what you can even call these ruins. An expansive yard lies almost in wait before you; two well-trodden paths lead to the left or the right… Which do you choose? The Haunted Basement presents The House a remote haunt experience. Under normal circumstances, the Haunted [...]
Welcome to the Blumhouse Live | Amazon Prime | The Lie | Nocturne | Evil Eye | Black Box

Little Cinema’s Welcome to the Blumhouse Live Is More Than An Advertisement

Strewn markers and papers cover the desk in Erin Templeton’s bedroom. The last entry in the missing ballet dancer’s “dream log” is a deadly premonition – a man wearing a crown entering her room to write an indecipherable message in blood. welcome to the blumhouse live   Under normal circumstances, a dream is just a […]

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